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Written by Eric Koslow a programmer with too much time on his hands You should follow them on Twitter

Archived Posts

Welcome to my archived posts. These we all written over a decade ago when I was around 20/21. Please don't read too much into them, they were written by a very diffrent person than I am now.

  1. November 13, 2012

    If you look at the setup of most commercial gyms today you’ll see row after row of funny looking machines. Each workout machine works a…

  2. October 26, 2012

    How to learn to jungle in three easy steps. 1. Throwing from hand to hand The first step to juggling is working your hand eye coronation…

  3. October 25, 2012

    Deadlines are stressful, difficult to meet, and necessary. Without deadlines projects could last forever. A little known fact about the TV…

  4. October 24, 2012

    Demo days are important. On these days you are given many opportunities. If the customer is new, you have a change to really wow them and…

  5. October 23, 2012

    I run my tests as often as I can. Even when I’ve only edited a couple lines of code, I run my tests. To me, tests are a way of saving my…

  6. October 22, 2012

    Problems of slow test: If running your tests takes a non-trivial amount of time, you’ll be more reluctant to run them. If tests start to…

  7. October 19, 2012

    Applications normally have third party dependencies you don’t control. These dependencies can show up as HTTP calls to foreign servers…

  8. October 17, 2012

    A consultancy is a service oriented business. As consultants its our job to make our clients happy, but more impotently make their…

  9. October 16, 2012

    It seems that its every programmers right of passage to write their own lisp interpreter. What most beginner programmers don’t realize is…

  10. October 15, 2012

    Now we have a text displayed on our site, but its not very pretty. To add some semantic markup we’re going to have to use HTML. We’ll be…

  11. October 11, 2012

    We now have passing tests, but our website isn’t very functional. Lets add a home page for our (soon to be) millions of visitors. Writing…

  12. October 10, 2012

    In a series about tests we haven’t been writing many of them. Lets change that. Writing the first test Lets first start and build up our…

  13. October 03, 2012

    Now that we have Leiningen installed we can start installing the rest of our Clojure toolkit and writing some code. Creating the project.clj…

  14. October 02, 2012

    In my last post we talked about the tools we’re going to use for this project. Now we’re going to get set up with these tools so we can get…

  15. October 01, 2012

    Welcome to my new series Test Driven Clojure. In these series of blog posts we’ll use a collection of open source tools and best testing…

  16. September 19, 2012

    There are two ways to handle errors in Java; you can handle the error yourself, or make someone else deal with it. The general rule of thumb…

  17. September 13, 2012

    When programming in a functional language, the often comes a time when we must couple data to functions like in an Object Oriented language…

  18. September 11, 2012

    Joodo has built in support for Rails-like flash messages. These are great for persisting one-time messages between requests. First off we…

  19. September 04, 2012

    While working on a Joodo project, I came across the issue of authentication. On a controller by controller basis, we had to redirect users…

  20. August 29, 2012

    In my first iteration of my Limelight interface to mu TTT program I ended up putting all of my application logic inside my player classes…

  21. August 28, 2012

    When I started programming in Clojure I was immediately turned off my all of the parentheses that littered the source code. Over time you…

  22. August 27, 2012

    Hyperion is a common datastore API for Clojure. It wraps various databases in a common API and lets developers hold off the choosing of a DB…

  23. August 24, 2012

    According to Forbs, the number one cause of death is premature scaling. I would like to venture that, like startups, the number one cause…

  24. August 23, 2012

    Recently in my Clojure project we had to integrate with Google’s OAuth for authenticating our users. It was a pretty painful process, so…

  25. August 22, 2012

    While testing in an OO language it is common to mock objects out of the picture. This could be do the fact that the object not yet…

  26. August 21, 2012

    When you look rails application you are greeted with a familiar directory structure. Are given an app/ directory with the folders model…

  27. August 20, 2012

    This week I’m diving head first into Clojure and more specifically web development in Clojure. Clojure has a view frameworks to choose from…

  28. August 13, 2012

    Views are meant to be dumb displays of simple data. Because of that, views should have no unit testing on top of them. If you feel that you…

  29. August 08, 2012

    I’ve been programing in Ruby for a few years now and along the way I’ve picked up a few fun tricks that other programmers rarely seem to…

  30. August 07, 2012

    The goal for unit testing is 100% test coverage, but most developers will tell you that not everything will be able to be tested. Most…

  31. August 06, 2012

    In my last post I introduced the concept of OTP and gen_server. This post I hope to dive deeper into gen_server. We’ve already seen the…

  32. August 03, 2012

    This will be the first of many posts coming up on Erlang’s OTP library. If you have never heard of OTP, let me explain. When Erlang was…

  33. August 02, 2012

    Yesterday I decided to move my blog over from my own custom solution to Jekyll. The process mostly involved renaming and shuffling a lot…

  34. August 01, 2012

    In my last post I talked about Make and Makefiles in Elixir projects. It turns out that that post is already outdated information. What…

  35. July 31, 2012

    One of the common practices in Elixir is to use Makefiles and the Make compiling utility. Make was first released in 1977 and can be found…

  36. July 30, 2012

    When learning a new linage, one of the first steps one needs to take is learning its testing frameworks. Elixir being a relatively new…

  37. July 27, 2012

    One of my favorite functional languages is Erlang. First created in 1986, Erlang is a highly concurrent language with high fault tolerance…

  38. July 26, 2012

    Today I finished moving my Tic Tac Toe program to the web. Before the game ran on a loop, and a single game object was constantly fed new…

  39. July 25, 2012

    Programs rot. Without tender love and care, they become unmaintainable. They only way to fight this process is through continuous…

  40. July 24, 2012

    When I was a kid I remember taking a karate class for gym. During the class we were taught to perform “katas”. Katas were a series of moves…

  41. July 23, 2012

    First of all, a little background about my experience with Clojure before now. Though I have never written in Clojure before, I have…

  42. July 20, 2012

    Sometimes code runs slowly. A method call takes longer than you expect, and your application starts becoming unresponsive. When this happens…

  43. July 19, 2012

    This week I was playing around with creating a complex terminal game. I immediately though about Curses. If you don’t know Curses is an old…

  44. July 16, 2012

    In my last post I talked about refactoring its advantages. But there is a danger of refactoring too much. By following all the right rules…

  45. July 12, 2012

    On the way to being a great programmer, everyone hits the same roadblock. Code Smells. One of the tools I have started using to help me…

  46. July 11, 2012

    I already implemented TicTacToe using heuristics, today I was given the task to reimplement my TicTacToe AI using the MiniMax algorithm. If…

  47. May 31, 2011

    Last week I launched Japanese Vocab Tutor mostly to be able to say I published an app. The actual application took about two days to create…

  48. May 13, 2011

    When first getting into Ruby, I thought Rails was coolest thing since dynamic variables. It was pure magic. Using a complicated mix of meta…

  49. May 12, 2011

    There comes a time in every up and coming web developer’s life that he realizes that he/she needs a blog. And at that time they know that…