Test driven Clojure part IV

October 10, 2012

In a series about tests we haven’t been writing many of them. Lets change that.

Writing the first test

Lets first start and build up our directory structure. And write a simple test.

$ mkdir -p src/katchie
$ mkdir -p spec/katchie
;; spec/katchie/core_spec.clj
(ns katchie.core-spec
  (:use [speclj.core]

(describe "Katchie"

  (it "runs"
    (should true)))


Running lein spec we should get the error

java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate katchie/core__init.class or katchie/core.clj on classpath

This is good. Though a bit cryptic, it is telling us that it couldn’t find the file katchie/core.clj file. Lets create it and see if that gets rid of the error.

$ touch src/katchie/core.clj
$ lein spec

Success! We have a new error.

java.lang.Exception: namespace 'katchie.core' not found after loading '/katchie/core'

Looks like we need to edit the file to include the katchie.core namespace.

;; src/katchie/core.clj
(ns katchie.core)

Running lein spec another time and we have a passing spec!


Finished in 0.00071 seconds
1 examples, 0 failures

You’ve successfully written a test for you application! Congratulations.

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Written by Eric Koslow a programmer with too much time on his hands You should follow them on Twitter