In my last post we talked about the tools we’re going to use for this project. Now we’re going to get set up with these tools so we can get coding next.
Installing Leiningen
The first thing we’ll need is Leiningen, as it will be the tool to download the rest of our dependencies.
If you’re worried about control of your system you can go to Leiningen’s Github Page and get detailed instructions on installation. For everyone else, running the following command should get you setup.
$ mkdir ~/bin &&
cd ~/bin &&
wget &&
chmod 755 lein
Now we need to add our newly created ~/bin directory to our load path. I normally add this to my .profile file in my home directory. If you use a shell that doesn’t use the .profile library, you probably know where this should go instead. If you don’t know if your shell uses .profile, then it probably does.
Either add the following to your existing .profile file, or create it in your home directory.
# Add user bin files
export PATH=/Users/ekoslow/bin:$PATH
If everything went well, after opening up a new console you should be able to do something like this:
$ lein -v
Leiningen 2.0.0-preview7 on Java 1.6.0_33 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM