This week I’m diving head first into Clojure and more specifically web development in Clojure. Clojure has a view frameworks to choose from when working with the web, but I’ll be talking about Joodo.
Joodo is a lightweight framework with a very small API. It tries to do the least amount of work possible then get out of your way.
First of all you’re going to want to have Leiningen 2 installed if its not already.
mkdir ~/bin &&
wget --no-check-certificate ~/bin/ &&
chmod 755 ~/bin/lein
Next update your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:user {:plugins [ [joodo/lein-joodo "0.10.0"] ]}}
Now we can create a Joodo project and start the server.
lein joodo new sample
cd sample
lein joodo server
open "http://localhost:8080"
Boom! You’re up an running with Joodo. Next we’ll talk about the Joodo directory structure and changes we can make to the configuration to make our application be more expressive.